Nice - Museum Marc Chagall



Category : Museums

Address : 36 Avenue Dr Ménard, 06000 Nice

Operation Hours : Monday to Sunday 10:00 to 17:00 / closed on Tuesday

Tickets : 10 euros for adults, Free for students under 26yo


Marc Chagall Museum is a French national museum dedicated to the painter Marc Chagall located not far from Nice train station, you are within walking distance from Nice representative residence 


Museum Marche Chagall was opened by the French Ministry of Culture in 1973 and is known for its Genesis collection, which includes donations from Marc Chagall and his second wife. The permanent collection is the biggest public collection of works by Marc Chagall.


Architect André Herman designed the overall layout of this museum. The large decorated windows in the auditorium and the mosaic over the pond that realised by purpose for the museum.


There are above fifty species of evergreen trees which are to be found in the open air in the environs of the latter city, which are not to be found in a big city such as Paris. 


There are several small exhibition halls in the museum that you can visit which takes approximately 1 hour. You can also have a  quick visit within 30 minutes.


Marc Chagall (1887-1985) was a painter of the 20th Century. He was born in Vitebsk, a city in the north of present-day Belarus. His family moved to the Loire region.  Marc Chagall is a great man in the history of modern painting, free from pastoral writers of all genres such as Impressionism, Cubism and Abstract Expressionism.


Le Cirque bleu, 1950

Marc Chagall painted the work in 1950, during his life in several cities on the Côte d'Azur. He drew inspiration from the theme of the circus throughout his life. The color that depict his subconscious and illusionary from the picture. Some people say that this blue reflects a freedom and peace.


Le Cantique des Cantiques II, 1957

After the Second World War in 1939, the Jewish families in Shakar were forced to leave Paris and leave the United States. In addition, in 1944, Chagall lost his wife Bella because of illness, so he fell into despair and lost all hope.

In 1952 he met the beautiful Vava and married her. Her image appears on the beautiful red canvas and be  conceived in this Le Cantique des Cantiques. In his life, he drew a lot of paintings about Vava.



Le Paradis, 1961

One of many religious-theme paintings in this Museum. Le Paradis paradise shows the birth of Adam (right) and Eve (left), the founding fathers of human beings. The garden is a mixture of several warm red mysteries that represent paradise on earth.

Eve spontaneously embraces Adam, apparently suggesting that the birth of a woman originates from a man's rib. Interestingly, She portrays her sharing the fruits of life with Adam.


Moïse devant le buisson ardent 1960-1966

Moses in front of Bush Moïsedevant le buisson The theme of this painting is from the third chapter of the Bible where Moses treated the burning shrubs and tells the story of Moses. Under the blue setting, there are three characters, Moses, God and angels. Blue refects a mysterious ocean that adds mystery to the picture. In the picture, God's face is painted with a bright yellow color. The yellow color contrasts sharply with the blue background, so that God can stand out from the picture and demonstrate the supremacy of God. The glittering halo of burning bush and the looming bodies of angels add mystery to the picture.


Les Arlequins 1922-1944


La traversée de la mer Rouge, 1955

La traversée de la mer Rouge. Cross the Red Sea.


Exodus 1952-1966

The theme of Jesus' exodus symbolized the hope of the Jews who escaped from suffering. Moses ten commandments, leading the people to the promised land. In the picture, Jesus, persecuted to crucify, is shown in bright yellow.


Les Amoureux en vert, 1917


Le Prophète Elie 1971


The Chagall Museum has more than 450 artworks. His stained glass and mosaics mounted outdoors are also some of his masterpieces.


Author, Photo : Han Jaeun

