
Phytotherapy and dietary French Brand

Arkopharma laboratoires

France is well known for being a leading country in terms of cosmetics. Even though they are still not as renowned worldwide as they should be, many French food supplement brands are leaders in this field and creative innovating and organic products. In this article, we focus on Arkopharma Laboratories, the European leader in natural plant-based medications and dietary supplements.


Arkopharma, the Laboratories of French Riviera

Arkopharma Laboratories

Arkopharma Laboratoires was created in 1980 in Carros, in the outskirts of Nice and the French Riviera, in the Provence Region. 30 minutes away from the bustling Nice, Carros, is a little town with a stunning view of the vallée du Var, and a unique position between the mountains (Alps) and the sea. This unique location surely helped to create such a unique brand.

Arkopharma was from its beginning 40 years ago a forerunner and innovative brand and started by innovating with phytotherapy in capsule form. Arkopharma played a major role in the official recognition of phytotherapy in France and quickly became the market leader.

This leading position is mainly due to constant innovation and the discoveries of new active ingredients, thanks to many efforts put in Research and Development: 50 products undergo development every year. The brands pay huge attention to the quality, efficacity, and safety of its products, which are all designed and made in France.


Some Arkopharma best sellers we recommend

Arkopharma best sellers

It's very hard to choose which products to introduce, as the brand develops a lot of leading products for different needs (digestion, circulation, sleep and stress, immunity, hair, memory....). We decided to select an innovative range focusing on Skin, Perles de Peau, as well as a very efficient Detox program, "Programme détox Bio".


Perles de Peau Range

 We usually rely only on topical applications (skincare products) to take care of our skin. However, topical application alone is not enough as skin condition mostly depends on dietary nourishment. Skin supplements can help support gorgeous, glowing skin and be a good addition to your skincare routine. 

Perles de Peau Arkopharma

The Perles de Peau (“Pearl Skin”) range, from the French Laboratories Arkopharma, has several products to target specific skin issues. According to your skin type and to the skin issues you are facing, you can choose the product that suits you better.

Perles de peau supplements complément alimentaire

Perles de Peau Hydratant focuses on hydrating, for supple and flexible skin nourished from the inside. it’s an intensive 3-month program (2 capsules taken daily). The formula is based on borage oil, evening primrose oil, and vitamin E, which provide essential fatty acids and preserve skin elasticity.

Skin food supplement Arkopharma

Perles de Peau Antioxidant, with antioxidant active ingredients such as Resveratrol (polyphenol that can be found in Grape), Selenium, and Zinc (which contributes to normal synthesis of DNA and helps keep skin in optimal condition), combat free radicals and restore a glow to your skin. It is suitable for all skin types, as our skins are all facing the negative effects of free radicals, especially if you have an urban life (more affected by pollution, stress…)

For more mature skins, Perles de Peau Beauté et Jeunesse is a 10-day radiance program with hyaluronic acid and collagen to firm up and restore the volume of your skin. Collagen is a protein that gives the skin its density: as we get older, collagen production naturally diminishes and supplements are very important in combination with topical treatments. The collagen concentration in this product is quit high, 177mg per pill. Take one capsule per day with a large glass of water.

Collagen French brand

Collagen shots are getting popular for a few years. That’s why Arkopharma developed Perle de Peau shots, a food supplement with a high marine collagen concentration (5 g per vials) and hyaluronic acid, to smooth the skin and reduce wrinkles. On box contain 10 vials for a 10 days program.


Programme Detox Bio (Arkofluids)

Detox diets aim to eliminate toxins from your body, improve health, and promote weight loss. Toxins typically include pollutants, synthetic chemicals, heavy metals, and processed foods which unfortunately are common in our urban ways of life. The body itself is well equipped to eliminate toxins (liver, kidneys, colon, lungs, skin, and lymphatic system play an important role in cleansing your body) but you can enhance your body’s natural detoxification system. Detox starts first with following a specific diet, reducing your intake of processed food, drinking more water, stop drinking alcohol…

Programme Detox Bio

Food supplements are there to help you get rid of body toxins and improving your health. Arkofluids Detox Regimen is a dietary supplement specially formulated to help remove toxins from your body and purify your skin. It’s a 30 days detox program with 100% plant-based formula (without any preservatives, sweeteners, and alcohol). The product is divided into 3 small boxes, which are for the 3 different steps of the regimen (10 days each).

The first step detoxifies your liver. The main active ingredients are Milk Thistle (helps to remove toxins from the liver) and rosemary (for hepatic and biliary functions). The second step focuses on kidneys. Elderberries stimulates kidneys’ purifying functions while dandelion assists the kidneys in getting rid of excess water. The last step focuses on the detoxification of your skin, thanks to burdock that helps soothe your skin and keep it clean, and Heart's ease which has purifying properties, to restore your healthy skin.

Arkofluids détox

Take one vial per day (you can do one program per year or more). You need first to shake the vial. Break off the first end (it’s very easy), turn the vial over, and place the first end over the glass. Break off the second end to let the liquid to flow out, and add half a glass of water or fruit juice (125 ml).


O'bon Paris' tip

Health supplements should not be used as a substitute for a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle and should be kept out of reach of young children. You can ask for advice from your doctor or visit a Pharmacy to get more recommendations according to your health. If you visit France soon, don’t miss a chance to discover Parapharmacy Monge, where you will find most of Arkopharma products and get useful suggestions from pharmacists. Click here to discover our exclusive offer there.


Author: O'bon Paris teams

Photos: Thanh Thuy Phan and Yuka